Cliffside Retreat - Single Player Shooter Map

Map and legend for the level

Map and legend for the level

Cliffside Retreat - Playthrough

Starting point for the player

Starting point for the player

Option to go around (Stealthy) or go head into the combat area

Option to go around (Stealthy) or go head into the combat area

First views into the combat area

First views into the combat area

Combat area birds eye view

Combat area birds eye view

Jumping puzzle on the stealth route

Jumping puzzle on the stealth route

Final Jumping Puzzle in stealthy route

Final Jumping Puzzle in stealthy route

Final Jumping Puzzle in stealthy route back side view

Final Jumping Puzzle in stealthy route back side view

View out of the final jumping puzzle into the back of the combat area

View out of the final jumping puzzle into the back of the combat area

Boss area before you get to the chest

Boss area before you get to the chest

Cliffside Retreat - Single Player Shooter Map

You must get to the giant chest at the top of the tallest tower in the area to find the scroll of the heavens. But it is heavily guarded, so you must make a decision to sneak or to fight your way to the top.

All done in UE4 with the free assets from Epic that can be located here: