Zombie City Mission

Legend top down of level

Legend top down of level

Beginning Area for player character

Beginning Area for player character

First group of zombies

First group of zombies

Getting through the building coming out to more zombies

Getting through the building coming out to more zombies

A Bridge full of zombies

A Bridge full of zombies

Crossing a sewage area

Crossing a sewage area

Final area where horde attacks

Final area where horde attacks

Playthrough of level

Zombie City Mission

This a single player mission I recently Created. The goal is to escape the city in the helicopter. When you turn on the helicopter at the end you have a minute or so to fight off waves of zombies until its ready to take off.

I modified the AI to turn them into zombies and created the horde mode.

All Created in Unreal Engine 4.

Geo from: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/zh-CN/slug/middle-east
Zombie Geo: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/zh-CN/slug/zombie-with-t-shirt
Base gameplay from: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/zh-CN/slug/third-person-shooter-kit