Sewers UE4 Single Player Map

Top Down of the Level

Top Down of the Level

First Combat Area

First Combat Area

Coming into the first big area. heading into the 2nd Combat Area

Coming into the first big area. heading into the 2nd Combat Area

A closer look of the first big area

A closer look of the first big area

2nd Combat Area

2nd Combat Area

2nd Combat Area from the rafters

2nd Combat Area from the rafters

On the hunt for the keypad to open a door

On the hunt for the keypad to open a door

Location of the Keypad

Location of the Keypad

Fighting your way to the keypad

Fighting your way to the keypad

A Hidden Chest protected by traps

A Hidden Chest protected by traps

Approaching the Final Combat Area

Approaching the Final Combat Area

Final Combat Area

Final Combat Area

Another view of the Final combat area

Another view of the Final combat area

View of the bosses room

View of the bosses room

Sewers Single Player Mission

Sewers UE4 Single Player Map

This a single player mission I recently Created. The goal is to escape the sewers, which seems easy, until you find out gangs have been setting up camp there.

All Created in Unreal Engine 4.

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